To check whether the Java is getting reflected properly, go to cmd and type Java -version. Under system variables, find Path variable and add the bin path preceded by a semicolon ( ) as shown below. Create a user variable, JAVA_HOME by clicking on ‘ New…‘ button and give the location of the Java directory as shown below. Right click on My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced system settings -> Environment Variables. Next, we will be setting up the environment variables. Make sure that whatever bit version Java you’re downloading whether it’s 32 bit or 64 bit, the eclipse should be of the same bit version only, otherwise it will create compatibility issues. So to install the latest Java (JDK) on your system, go to and Download the latest Java SDK. Since we would be coding the Selenium in Java, so we need to make sure that proper Java version is configured on the PC. I have chosen Eclipse because it is the most widely used IDE, but you can choose any other IDE as well, like IntelliJ Idea. So in this article, we will be learning, how to set up Selenium web driver using Eclipse IDE.

Out of all the selenium tools, selenium web driver is the one that has managed to get everyone’s attention. Being an open-source tool has added to its aura.

Selenium is a ‘buzz’ word in the testing world nowadays.